Elizabeth Gonzalez
Email: egonz530@fiu.edu
Major: English and Political Science
Issue Area: Women's Rights & Gender Justice
Elizabeth Gonzalez is Cuban-American, born and raised in Miami. Currently, she is a Junior at Florida International University and a student in the Honors College. While at FIU, she is pursuing a dual degree in Political Science and English, with a concentration in Writing and Rhetoric. During the Fall semester, Elizabeth will be interning for Congressman Darren Soto through the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) Global Leadership program. While a CHLI intern, she will also have the opportunity to intern for a corporate legislative affairs office, allowing her to gain further experience through public policy programs projects. Her time as a CHLI intern will grant her a better understanding of how she can best support her Latino community.
Elizabeth works as an English peer tutor at FIU. During this time, she has helped students with varying understanding of English improve on assignments and gain confidence in their writing abilities. She is also the president of the UN Women chapter at FIU, where she organizes lecture series and discussion circles on issues that affect women globally as well as actions to help combat them locally. This opportunity helped her realize her passion for women’s rights in the domestic and international spheres. As a Hamilton Scholar she will focus on advocating for women's rights on gender justice issues and in combatting sexual violence. After graduating from FIU, Elizabeth plans to continue her advocacy efforts, for both women’s rights and the Latinio community by attending law school and earning her JD.