Marian Balceiro
American Foreign Policy Council
Email: mbalc008@fiu.edu
Major: International Relations and Economics
Issue Area: Latin America
Marian Balceiro is a sophomore at Florida International University pursuing a double degree in International Relations and Economics. As a Cuban immigrant, Marian is passionate about human rights and economic development in the Western Hemisphere. Specifically, she focuses on Caribbean development through economic diversification, sustainable tourism, and the strengthening of democratic institutions. Marian has previously published work with the Diplomatic Courier on harmful cruise practices and their developmental downsides to the Caribbean region. She is also an active member of Sigma Iota Rho, an International Relations Fraternity, and is part of the Model United Nations team.Marian is interning at American Foreign Policy Council, a non-profit think tank, this semester to gain experience in security studies and foreign policy. Through her internship and advocacy work, she wishes to engage with the Latin America and Caribbean region in areas pertaining to violence prevention, gender equality, economic and environmental resilience, as well as political stability.