Roxana Monzon

Roxana Monzon

Partnership for Public Service


Major: Public Policy and Service


Hello, my name is Roxana R. Monzon; a senior studying Public Policy and Service. I’m a first-generation Cuban American with government administration as my field of choice. I strive to follow a way of life that helps me be a better person every day. My plans for the future are not solely based on professional achievements, but on personal goals. I think developing one's character directly correlates with the type of public servant they will become. Currently I’m interning at the Partnership of Public Service in their Leadership Institute. I’ve learned so far that leadership is a constant evolution of personal identity and ongoing habit, not recognition that earns you a title or power.  I’m very grateful to have been accepted into this phenomenal organization and look forward to coming back to DC in the future whether it be in politics, another nonprofit organization, think tank, or government agency.