Mia Rodriguez

Mia Rodriguez


EDA - Commerce

Email: mrodr1408@fiu.edu

Major: Political Science


Mia Rodriguez, born and raised in Hialeah, Florida to Cuban immigrant parents, is deeply influenced by geopolitics and societal development. As a rising senior in FIU's Honors College, Mia studies Political Science and International Relations with a minor in Asian Studies and holds certificates in Pre-Law and Law, Ethics, and Society. They have been active in Model United Nations (MUN), Student Government Association (SGA), and the FIU Writing Center for Excellence.

Mia has dedicated significant time to the FIU MUN team, earning numerous awards and leading the team to a #7 national ranking as Head Delegate. Their involvement in SGA includes roles as Housing Senator, Vice Chair and Chair of the Appropriations Committee, and Chief Justice. These experiences, along with their work as a Writing Assistant, have enabled Mia to make a lasting impact on the FIU community.

This Fall, Mia will continue to build on their commitment to civic engagement as a Hamilton Scholar, aiming to foster productive discourse and collaboration at all levels. After a summer internship with Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (D-FL-24), Mia has gained extensive knowledge of the legislative process and federal policy, which they plan to further explore in the coming semester.