Christopher Brazela
Email: cbraz005@fiu.edu
Major: Information Technology
Issue Area: Minority Small Business Development
Christopher Brazela is an Honors College senior at Florida International University studying Information Technology and minoring in Business Administration. He is currently interning in the Office of the National Director at the Minority Business Development Agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Christopher has a background of working in multiple industries: electric, finance, and government. His interest in small businesses began while working for Treece Financial Group where he led projects to modernize the company’s technological infrastructure making them more competitive in the 21st century economy.
Christopher always felt that a small business allows any individual to climb the economic ladder to prosperity. He is inspired by the story of his father, a Haitian immigrant, who strived to open a small construction business but faced many setbacks. He did not have the opportunity of qualifying for any loans. Christopher later realized many small business owners are like his father. Across the nation, minority-owned businesses face the obstacles of access to capital, markets, and social networks, which are essential for any business to increase in size and scale. His father never achieved his dream, but he hopes to help rising minority entrepreneurs achieve theirs.
In his academic career, he has received many awards such as the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship, FIU Gold and Blue Scholarship, Dean’s list, etc. He is also involved in many student organizations such as FIU Student Ambassadors where he serves the prominent offices of the university to advocate and represent the greatest needs of FIU students and alumni. As a Hamilton Scholar, he will support America’s over 10 million minority-owned businesses and help develop small businesses in Miami Dade. He hopes to pursue a career in public policy integrating the fields of technology and business expecting a Master’s in Information Systems.