Alexa Ordaya

Alexa Ordaya

Rep. Darren Soto


Major: International Relations & Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communications

Portfolio: Human Rights


Alexa Ordaya is a junior at Florida International University and an Honors College student. She is pursuing a double bachelor’s in International Relations and Public Relations, Communications, and Advertising (PRAAC). She desires to pursue Law school after graduation and create a career around the legal field defending Human Rights Laws and establishing Criminal Justice reforms in the United States and abroad. 

Being born and raised in Peru, she has learned to adapt to different environments and witnessed many things that have pushed her towards becoming a Human Rights attorney. To accomplish this, she has been involved in a variety of activities at the FIU campus, through different organizations and holding leadership positions as Panhellenic Judicial Board Member, Sponsorship Finance Chair for Relay for Life, Awards Director and Executive Recruitment Committee for Alpha Omicron Pi, Philanthropy Committee for Phi Alpha Delta Pre- Law Fraternity, Order of Omega Greek Honor Society, United Human Rights Foundation, and UNICEF, all while having completed two internships previous to this program. All these experiences have allowed her to acquire skills and abilities to help her in her profession in the future. As a Hamilton Scholar and Congressional Press Intern for Congressman Darren Soto at the United States Congress, Alexa plans to use the knowledge and experience gained about public policy and legislation to further her advocacy efforts for Human Rights.